Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Holly's mom here.  I'd like to start by saying that this has been the most shocking loss for me.  All the other pets that I have had in my adult life have all passed away from issues related to old age.  My two cats, Alex and Kirby, were 13 and 17.  My very first Siberian, Abby, who I got at just 6 weeks old, lived to be 16 1/2.  My husband's two Samoyeds (from when we first got together in 2002), Cyrus and Kona, lived to ages 13 and 14.  My first rescue, Shula, who was 13 when I adopted her, lived to be 16. 

Holly was only 8.

From the moment we saw this dog in a corn field on our way home from visiting my husbands family on December 24, 2005, Holly came into our home and immediately made it HER HOUSE!

She was a BIG girl, but weighed only 79 pounds and was skin and bones.  We also found out she had tapeworms, so she definitely would not have lived much longer in the freezing cold of winter, with no food.

This picture shows just how thin she was.  We could see every rib, her hip bones and feel every bone in her spine.  But, she was SO happy to finally get love and attention, and FOOD!

She was even small enough to fit on the recliner!  But that sure didn't last long!

10 months later, you can see she is quite the fat and happy Malagal!

Although she ruled her house with an iron paw, she was such a snuggle baby!  She absolutely LOVED cuddling!

Snuggling with me.

Snuggling with dad.

Or, napping with dad.

And, of course, snuggling with her best Malabro Summi's mummi!

But, most especially, she LOVED snuggling with her baby Khady!  The bond was immediate, and the two were absolutely inseparable!

I hope you will come back to visit each day this week as I continue to share this incredible girl with you all. And, thank you all SO MUCH for your thoughts, prayers, and words of kindness.  Although I can't stop crying when I read them, they mean the world to me!



D.K. Wall said...

The pictures do make me smile knowing what a wonderful life that Hbbb had with you. Great thing about dogs is how they throw off the past and just live for the happiness of now.

How is Khady handling things? I know watching my own dogs at how they can react very differently to the passing of one of their pack.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We'll second what The Hu-dad pawed above!

Thanks for sharing your Boo's legacy with us!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We did not know Holly but found out about her from our good friend, Khyra. What a wonderful girl she was! And yes, there is something profoundly sad about losing a friend so young. I lost two cats to feline leukemia (they were pedigrees and should never even have had that disease), one at 18 months and the other at 15 months. It sucks. But all the good times and all the love are yours forever.

Anonymous said...
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Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

So sorry to read about Holly! She will be missed. Paws of Prayer to you and good, healing thoughts!

Much Love!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

How Sam Sees It said...

You have so many happy memories of her, and she was so lucky to have you.



Flurry's Humom :) said...

Precious words for a precious girl. Holly was blessed to have wandered into your lives and had the great humom and hudad that you two were for her.

Furry Bottoms said...

Such a beautiful, beautiful girl!!

The Websters said...

She was so so so skinny! I didn't realize you all had rescued her. What good, awesome and kind hearted people you are.

We are still so so sad and tear up when we think about it.

Still praying for comfort as you grieve.

The Websters

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such happy memories of Holly. She had a wonderful life after you rescued her.

Anonymous said...

I loved her the moment I first met her on the 'net. You relay her persona so perfectly. It's hard not to love her.

We are sending lots of Sibe (and Formosan) woos and love to you and your pack and a little more to Khady.

Piappies World said...

Holly's photos show how not just how she transformed most being so thin to a beautiful dog that she was but how one could notice that happiness as she stayed with you longer.

We hope that Khady is doing ok with you there. Hugs to you and Khady from all of us.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Sharing her memories is so furry furry nice. We will be sure to check in during da week to have maw read dem to us.


Jack & Moo said...

Love seeing the pictures and hearing more Holly stories. Man, she sure was skinny! but that smile says it all-- "I'm SO happy to be with you!"!!

I know what you mean about her being so young. My cat lived to 17, and the next animal we lost was our beloved Sherman. He was only 4 when he got lung cancer. We couldn't believe it. Apparently, neither could he. The pet psychic I contacted to help us decide what to do said that HE kept messaging her that "this isn't fair. I'm too young! I'm not ready to go!" ...that broke our hearts, but age doesn't count when that horrible disease strikes.

Enjoy every minute with the rest of your lovely pack.


24 Paws of Love said...

So sorry to hear about Holly. And the shock of losing her so young. 24 Paws are crossed for you and your family.

I don't know what else to say. Just know we are thinking about you.

Cody Bloemker said...

Loved her so much and am heartbroken. Thank you so much for sharing her with us!

FiveSibesMom said...

She was so lucky to be part of your family. Way too young to leave, for sure. She was a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing your memories of her with us. I'm sure she is ruling her cloud in Heaven like she did your (her) house! May her memory bring you smiles as she will live forever in your hearts. Thinking of you.