Friday, November 10, 2006

Why the outside is inside

Mom hates this time of year. No, it's not just the wacked out weather where it's 80 on Wednesday, and 35 on Friday! What the ....?

No, it's more than just that. It's the fact that the leaves all over the yard, are also all over the house. They're everywhere. In the family room, kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedrooms, hallway, and all over the basement (including the stairs).

Why is the outside always inside this time of year? HHmmmm, here's an idea......

This is Monty's butt.

Those are the outside leaves that come inside, stuck to Monty's butt.

Happens all during this time of year. Drives mom insane. We don't like it either, cuz then mom has to get out........yep, you guessed it.

It's the evil Dyson. Not only does it suck up all our beautiful fluffy fur, it also sucks up Monty's (and Kona's) leaves. It's quite unwelcome here. Mom has to use that evil Dyson several times a week now. Sometimes she makes dad use the evil Dyson, since it's his dogs that bring in the outside. She says since her dogs don't have that long, shaggy, sticky fur, she shouldn't have to be responsible for sucking up the outside that came inside. Dad tried to suck up some of the leaves with the loud grass cutting machine, but that only makes the leaves smaller, and stick to Monty and Kona's butts even more.

Oh well, tis the season for the outside to come inside, so guess mom will have to put up with it till it snows. Which hopefully will be sooner than later!


(no leaves stuck on my butt)


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Yet another Dyson ! I am sure these evil machines are trying to take over the world !


Kelsey and Smokey said...

Holly, you're not only beautiful, you're funny!

The Army of Four said...

That evil Dyson has been around here WAY too much lately, too!
Play bows,

D. Animal said...

Vvvrrrmmm vmvmv vrrm "World Domination!" LOL LOL LOL LOL

IndyPindy said...

Wow, Monty is VERY fluffy! Is he a Great Pyrenees?

Khady Lynn said...

Thanks for understanding everyone! I know those of you who are familiar with that evil Dyson know what terror it brings.

Hey Indy, Monty and Kona are both Samoyeds. Smaller than the Pyrenese, but just as fluffy. And not Husky/Malamute fluffy, but LONG and fluffy. that's why the outside sticks so well to it!


Anonymous said...

That happens here too but we just bring it in on our paws. We already have snow though so our leaves are gone, gone, gone. No evil Dyson for us !!!

P.S. My Mom used to have 3 Samoyeds. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly,
We have one of those purple animal evil dysons too! Leaves also stick to our legs & feet. We track them into the house all of the time. Mama hates it! We did get snow on Friday but now the leaves are showing again..... Didn't you get snow in Nebraska? You are only one state away from us.
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers