He had been coughing, and doing the hairball hacking sound, so mom took him to the vet. His xrays showed a large cloudy area in his lungs. Over an ounce of fluid was taken off his lungs, and he was given a steroid injection and some antibiotics as it looked like he might just have a severe case of a staph infection. He perked up a little, and was even eating better. He went back to the vet on Friday for his one week follow-up to re-xray his lungs to see if the infection (shadowed area on the film) had gotten smaller. Unfortunately it hadn't, and 2 more ounces of fluid were taken off his lungs. Mom missed a call later that evening from the vet, but the message didn't sound promising. The vet said she found something in the fluid she extracted and needed to discuss it with mom. Mom had a terrible feeling over the weekend what it was, and continued to watch Kirby get worse. He stopped eating completely, and his breathing was becoming even more labored.
So, this morning mom called the vet first thing, and found out that Kirby had cancer and the large cloudy area in his lungs was actually a tumor. Mom made the painful decision to end Kirby's pain and suffering and send him to be with his brother Alex. She knows Kirby is now in a much happier place where he can be young and happy and curl up to sleep with Alex, once again.
Thank goodness mom has us to help comfort her. It's a really good feeling to know we are there for her to squeeze and hug on when she is sad.
(helping mom feel better)
Oh... but Holly you must tell your mom that Kirby is not suffering now. I'm sure Kirby is in cats heaven now where he's free and healthy.
~ fufu
Big hugs to your mum Holly :-( We are thinking of her, and want you to look after her, okay ?
I'm sorry to read of Kirby's passing. Please kisss your human's nose for me
Tell your mom that she did the best thing for Kirby. He depended on her his whole life and she took care of him and made sure he didn't suffer. She is lucky to have you to help make her feel better.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Such sad news Holly! Please give your Mum a cuddle from us in Scotland!
Kirby will be free of pain now over the Rainbow Bridge, what a shame though.
Thinking of you, love and sad licks, Marvin xxxxx
Jeannie xxxxxxxxxxxx and a Scottish Hug!
From the huskies, kitties and humans in my house, we send our our sympathies for your loss.
Althea and Crew
Holly.. tell your mom that I am sorry for the loss of Kirby! He is free from pain now! We have to remember that. My feline sister is 14... I can not even imagine not having her in the house with me. Give your mom hugs and kisses.. she needs them.
Hugs, Sitka (and her mom, Shelli)
Oh dear Holly! We are SO sorry to hear about your kitty Kirby! I know he had a great life with you and your family - and that your mom did ALL the right things for him. Letting go of Kirby had to be SO very hard, but your mom did what was best for him. You hurt now, so he does not.
Please hug your mom for all of us - and special hugs to you, too.
We're so sorry for your loss.
The Brat Pack :(
we are so very sad and sorry about Kirby :( give your mom licks from us.
Thank you all for your thoughts and expressions of sympathy for my human. She is VERY happy she has all of us, and that so many of my pup pals are so caring about her sad feelings. She is very greatful for you ALL! Sam and I are being especially cuddly to her cuz we know she needs us.
Thanks again everypup and fufu!
Holly (and her human, Jan)
Oh Holly, I'm so sorry for you and your mom. Hugs and licks,
I apologize that Kelsey can't send you love himself, but he's still at the hospital.
HOWEVER, I know that Kelsey, Smokey, and I (the human) are thinking of you and know that Kirby is at the end of Rainbow Bridge just waiting to see you again.
All our love,
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