Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sam's Freedom Photo's

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I think I'm in trouble.....
The human man got in trouble. How, you ask? Well..........
Notice the lack of a red thing hanging from his neck in the picture on the right???

Well, the good news is that dad learned a very important lesson and has promised to NEVER let any of us off leash in an open area ever again.
It's a good thing mom loves us enough to get really mad and upset over our potential "loss" that she would stick up for us so much! Too bad ALL humans out there aren't more like her!
I'll post more of Sam's "freedom" pictures tomorrow.
(feeling the love)
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The spaz is at it again
(Be sure to turn up your volume to get the "full effect.")
Personally, I think it's brain damage.
(did I mention he's a FREAK?)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Ho Hum

Being the smart, food driven girl that I am, I did come across another cow ear, I think it was Monty's, that was dropped when he went to go bark at the people walking by our fence. So here are a couple pictures of me with both cow ears. I can't decide which to chew first, but I do have one secured under my paw, while I chew the other one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Where did winter go?
There is something significantly wrong with this! Lets think back a bit, shall we?
Two weeks ago we had our first official blizzard since 1998 and got a foot of snow. See below.

On Tuesday we broke record highs and hit 80 degrees!!! Why is it, we always go straight from cold right to hot and somehow skip Spring all together?
I really need to talk those humans into moving to Minnesota SOONER, rather than LATER!
(I want my snow back!!!)
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's about time
Then, maybe these stupid humans will take us seriously! Hawoowoowoo!!
On another positive note, Kelsey is doing better. His temperature has finally come down to 101.4 degrees, and that is the lowest it has been since last Monday when all this started! He will be given some soft food tomorrow, to see how he does. His first attempt at soft food didn't go too great. He threw most of it up, but some DID make it through. His poor tummy and intestines are just so traumatized, it's no wonder they didn't want to work yet! He is keeping down his potassium bromide (for his seizures) and also all the water he drinks. That means there's no leak in his patchwork, and no sign of fluid in his abdomen. He is still on IV fluids since that is where his antibiotics are given, but hopefully that can be removed tomorrow, if he keeps his food down. The peritonitis was localized around his intestinal patchwork, so that was good since it had not spread throughout his tummy. And, that was even getting better, which was evident by his reduced temp.
So, hour by hour, he is slowly getting better. Tomorrow will be a big day, so keep those paws crossed and those prayers coming. They are really working!!!
(a little calmer now)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
New Kelsey Update
Keep those prayers coming and those paws crossed. Be sure to check out Kelsey's blog for more detailed updates from his mom!
AND......THANK YOU ALL!!!!! This is such an awesome group of friends, I couldn't ask for more! (well, more food, but that's another story)
(blessed with great friends for her and her good puppal Kelsey)
Friday, March 09, 2007
A quick update on Kelsey
Kelsey's fever went up last night so the vet had to re-open him. The intestinal tissue was leaking and started to die, so more of it had to be removed.
He is now on his way to see a soft tissue specialist to see if they can help. Otherwise, he might have to make a road trip to Kansas State to see one of their specialists.
Please keep your paws crossed, and those prayers coming. He's really going to need all the help he can get!
I will try to keep you posted as I get information from Kelsey's mom.
2:20 p.m. UPDATE
Kelsey is in surgery. He has peritonitis, which is extremely dangerous and life threatening. The surgeon is going to go in to see if there is anything he can do. If they cannot stop the infection and inflammation and leakage around the intestine, then his chances are not good. Peritonitis can lead to septicemia, which can be deadly. Kelsey's mom is not doing very well, and is very worried for her boy. He went into surgery about 1:00, so hopefully we will have some news soon. I will keep you all updated. PLEASE hope and pray for Kel to pull through this. I know you all understand, so please keep him and his mom, Cody, in your thoughts.
Thank you again!
6:40 p.m. UPDATE
Kelsey got out of surgery about 4:30. The peritonitis was localized around the intestine suture area, which is good, meaning it has not spread throughout his entire abdominal area. The vet had to remove another 10 to 12 inches of intestine to try and get to some healthy tissue. He also used a graft to wrap around it to help in the healing and generation of "good" cells to get it to grow together quicker and reduce the inflammation.
At 6 p.m. he was sitting up and looking around. He will be kept at the 24 hour emergency clinic next door, so they can monitor him throughout the night for any elevated temperature and fluid in his abdomen. For now, he is doing good. So keep up those good thoughts and prayers. If all goes well, he should get to go home on Monday. Either I, or Kelsey's mom will keep you all updated. She wanted to say "thank you!!!!" to everyone for all the positive karma coming their way!! It sure helps knowing there are so many humans and doggies out there sending good vibes his way!
Hollybollyboo and her mom Jan
(saying lots and lots of prayers for her good friend)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Prayers please!!!!

He was taken into emergency surgery tonight with an intestinal obstruction. Apparently, back in January when he chewed up his humans purse, some of it got stuck in his tummy. Then, a couple weeks ago he also got a hold of a shoe and ate a little of it. Well, the part that was stuck in his stomach wasn't blocking the intestine all the way, so some food and stuff was getting through. BUT, when he chewed up part of the shoe, a long string got caught on the purse piece, which then started to accordion up his intestines, so he started throwing up and had to go to the doctor.
(saying lots and lots of prayers)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Bits and pieces. Stuff and things

On the left, my wet nose and slobbery pink tongue. On the right, my big, fluffy butt!

Here is a closer picture.

Monday, March 05, 2007
A sad goodbye

He had been coughing, and doing the hairball hacking sound, so mom took him to the vet. His xrays showed a large cloudy area in his lungs. Over an ounce of fluid was taken off his lungs, and he was given a steroid injection and some antibiotics as it looked like he might just have a severe case of a staph infection. He perked up a little, and was even eating better. He went back to the vet on Friday for his one week follow-up to re-xray his lungs to see if the infection (shadowed area on the film) had gotten smaller. Unfortunately it hadn't, and 2 more ounces of fluid were taken off his lungs. Mom missed a call later that evening from the vet, but the message didn't sound promising. The vet said she found something in the fluid she extracted and needed to discuss it with mom. Mom had a terrible feeling over the weekend what it was, and continued to watch Kirby get worse. He stopped eating completely, and his breathing was becoming even more labored.
So, this morning mom called the vet first thing, and found out that Kirby had cancer and the large cloudy area in his lungs was actually a tumor. Mom made the painful decision to end Kirby's pain and suffering and send him to be with his brother Alex. She knows Kirby is now in a much happier place where he can be young and happy and curl up to sleep with Alex, once again.
Thank goodness mom has us to help comfort her. It's a really good feeling to know we are there for her to squeeze and hug on when she is sad.
(helping mom feel better)
Friday, March 02, 2007
Blizzard Video
I love the face plant in the snow. I have no idea what that's all about. Sam's a dork. That's about the only explanation I can give.
(I'm too cool to act like that)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
More snow fun

Tomorrow I will try to get the video loaded. Videoegg was giving me fits and wouldn't let me upload my video....grrrrrr! So, hopefull I will have more snow fun for everypuppy (and fufu) to see tomorrow too!! AND, we are suppose to get a little MORE snow tomorrow!! Isn't it wonderful?!?!
(aka Snow White)
Mom got some good pictures this morning of us out in the blizzard. Hopefully, we will have more later. We are suppose to get between 10 and 15 inches!! We already have 10 inches and it's only 10:30 in the morning!
And that's Abby covered in snow in the house.
That beautiful face on the right is mine, of course!
Well, that's all for now!
(just call me Snow White!)