Monday, May 28, 2007
More dead wildlife
Here's how it happened. Dad saw a rabbit in the back yard, and decided he didn't want it there, so opened the back door for us to run out and chase it away. Only he didn't count on Sam actually catching it! As soon as he heard a squeal, dad realized his mistake, and said, "Oh S***!" Mom jumped up, and started running outside, but dad beat her to the scene of the crime, and had to force Sam to drop the poor rabbit, who was still screaming! The poor thing tried to run away, but it's back legs weren't working very well. Dad told mom to try and get it to go through the fence so it could get away. Only it was practically dragging it's legs and couldn't make it through the fence.
Mom was yelling at dad (words I can't print here) for being so mean as to let us chase the poor bunny. Dad said he didn't think we would catch it, and thought the bunny would make it through the fence. Oops, guess not. Hellooooooooo!! We're FAST!
The worst part was mom trying to pull open a spot by the gate for the poor thing to get through so it would be out of the yard. But, to her horror, it died. Right in front of her!!!! Then she was even MORE mad, and was in tears when she told dad not to EVER do something like that again! She loves her wildlife, and hates to have them killed. It really bothers her...a lot. She realizes we are all very prey driven, but she certainly doesn't want to encourage it!
Apparently Sam didn't realize the rabbit he eats for dinner, actually comes from a can, and not the back yard.
(at least it wasn't me this time)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I've lost my fluffiness
Here I am with my new quilt and pillow and you can kind of see how unfluffy I am. Whereas in this picture, I am VERY fluffy....
Because of my loss of fluffiness, mom took me too the vet and they weighed me, and I had gained 8 pounds, and am now up to 122 pounds!! Mom was pretty shocked, especially since they have been watching my food consumption very closely and feeding me those dreaded green beans! Then the vet took my blood to test it. She told mom I am hypothyroid, which explains my fur loss and weight gain. So, now I have to be on thyroid medication just like Abby, Samuel, and Kona.
I am already starting to feel better and am less hungry than usual. Hopefully my be-woo-tiful, fluffy fur comes back soon too!
(feeling sort of naked without my fluffiness)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I'm IT - Again
Let's get started!
1. First, and foremost - I love food!! Eating and chewing on a chewy are my most favorite things to do.

Well, that and.....
2. Sleeping! Yep, I love to nap, especially on my couch, with my new quilt and matching pillow!! My other favorite sleepy spot is my bed in the basement where it's always nice and cool!

3. I'm very bossy. I'm the queen in this house as far as I'm concerned. I often "grumble" at the other dogs if they come too close to a toy, or a chewy, or my food, or mom and dad if I am getting attention. I usually get in trouble for it, and then get told "Holly, you be nice!" Whatever.
4. I LOOOOOVVEEEE Attention!!! Yep, I'm an attention hog. No one else is allowed attention if I am in the room. I make sure I butt right in and get the attention turned back to me where it belongs!
5. I am very lucky to have mom and dad. If they hadn't found me, I would most surely be dead. You see, I had a tapeworm, and it was starving me of anything I found to eat, which wasn't much, so I was skin and bones. I only weighed 79 pounds when I was found. Now, some of you may think that is big, but for me, who is 114 pounds now, that was really skinny. You can see the difference in these two photos.

<-- Old me.
New me. -->
The whole "diet" issue aside, I sure like the new "fluffy" me much better than the old "skinny" me!
6. I love being a therapy dog! It's so cool that I get to go visit sick people, and elderly people, and sometimes kids too! I do such a good job because I just love people and attention (see #4) so much!! Most people think I'm really beautiful and the more adoration I get, well, lets just say it makes me pretty happy!! Not to mention how good I make them feel too. That's what it's truly about!
7. When dad comes home every morning from work, I get so excited that I woo, and wooo, and woooo loudly, and do the whole body wag, and jump around like a little puppy! You see, I know that as soon as dad gets home that I'm gonna get my walk so I get REALLY excited! And then, when I get home....I get to eat, and then take a nap. What could be better?!?!
I tag Star and Sherman, and my good friends Kelsey and Smokey, and Tasha and Eva.
Monday, May 21, 2007

In addition to all those presents, there was a little package with something verrrrrry interesting in it. Can you see what it is?
That's Dave's fur!! And, it included a personalized note from him too! Dave's mom even included a great present for my mom! Some cool earrings with pretty blue beads and a doggie bone hanging off them, and a be-wooo-tiful beaded bracelet to match! She loved them so much she immediately put them on and said she would wear them every day!

I sure do!!! You can see how comfy and relaxed I look.
Thank woo sooooooo much to my sweet, adorable Davy, and the rest of the Ao4, and especially to their human woman for such wonderful gifts, and the be-wooooo-tiful quilt and pillow. I absolutely love everything!!!!
(having sweet dreams tonight)
Friday, May 18, 2007
Only a month?
Now, those of you who are Husky (or Malamute) owners know all about the zoomies. The zoomies are when we get this rush of energy, for no reason, and just zoom around the house like psycho dogs, as if we are being chased by some unseen monster. It is lots of fun, and also a great way to burn off some pent-up energy. Sam is notorious for doing the zoomies. He just freaks out for no reason and stats running around the house and bouncing off the furniture and bouncing in little circles around the room. I do it too, but not as often.
Anyway, there was this article about the zoomies in Dog Fancy, and here is a bit of what it said...
"This amped-up, often naughty, play behavior helps puppies rid themselves of excess energy so they can fall asleep. Five or 10 minutes of zoomies burn up extra energy and allow your pup a better night's rest." blah blah blah.....
"Zoomies seldom last more than five or 10 minutes per evening, and that stage of development generally lasts only a month or so. Enjoy it while you can--puppyhood seems all too short once it's gone."
PUPPYHOOD???????? Ummmmmm, apparently someone forgot to tell this stupid human that Huskies and Malamutes do zoomies ALL THEIR LIVES!! What's this "month or so" crap? Sam is NINE!! And I'm TWO! I guess they didn't do very good research. I could have told them that the zoomies are very much alive, well into old age, when you are a northern breed dog! DUH!!!
Any other ADULT doggies out there still do zoomies?
(another shining example of human stupidity)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Very Sad Goodbye
Our honorary "dog" Fufu, the Hamsterrier, has gone to the Rainbow Bridge to be with his Bibi. I think she was just too lonely without him, so called him to her.
Fufu was very special and unique. He had wonderful stories and adventures and got the BEST presents ever!

Godspeed sweet, adorable Fufu. I will miss you.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
She got a copy of the study guide from the library at Bellevue University, so she can study for her test.
Unfortunately, this is what she found the other day. Apparently Sam was a little bored, and there weren't any chewies around. Mom was NOT happy! Notice the partially EATEN pages!

Friday, May 11, 2007
Tummy Tagged!
I have been Tummy Tagged by Sitka and Boomer. Here's how it works; you have to post a picture of yourself in a vertically reversed position. A.k.a., tummy up!! Then, just tag three other bloggers and you're done!
Here is my gorgeous, and fluffy tummy.

I tag my beloved Dave, from the Army of Four, Lorenza, and my new friend Hobbes!
(feeling sleepy now)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A new friend
He is having second thoughts about his blog, so I told him to join our wonderful group Dogs with Blogs so he could meet lots of new friends and help improve his English.
Please stop by his blog and welcome him!
(I love finding new friends!)
Friday, May 04, 2007
Another Present!!

She was still not happy. She has "issues" with deceased wildlife. Animal lover that she is, this really bothered her. Then, to my horror, she picked it up in one of those plastic bags, and I never saw it again.
I went back outside, hoping to find another one. But, no such luck!