I even abandoned the old cow ear I had been hording and chewing on from time to time, in order to consume my new pigs ear. Which I did, in record time, of only 15 minutes!!
Mom gave each of us one of the treats, and we were very happy to have them! Thank wooo Sitka! You're pawsome!!!
(yum yum)
Holly (and Sam)... you both are very welcome!!! I am VERY impressed of the 15 minutes that it took you to eat the Pork Ear! I am amazed! I am embarassed to saw how long it took for me to eat my first one. It will take along time to reach the level of experience that you have!! I am glad you all liked your treats. It was just a little, "I am thinking of you", pressie!
Hugs, Sitka
Glad you liked your pork ear. Hu-mom gve me one...once. I immediately took it out into the yard and buried it. They just aren't on my "favorites" list. Hey, that leaves more for you!
Hi Holly,
Those treats look very yummy, and it was nice of you to share them with the others. Puppy Kisses, Sooky
the human woman took me to the pet store one time and I got to see a really big bag of those pig ears. I have to wonder, with all of the pig ears in a bag, why is it that we never see pictures of earless pigs?
Boy, Holly, you are one lucky girl!!
Steve and Kat
Oh.. That's very nice of Sitka to send you the yummy treat. :)
I can see your cute pink tongue Holly
Sounds yummy.
I've never tasted one, better get the ma onto that!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Wooooooo I'm so jealous! My Mama's never given me a pig's ear! She gives me bully sticks though, but I think she does it just because it makes Daddy squirm (he asked what a bully stick was, it's his fault).
oooooh Holly! I have never liked Pigs Ears, but you sure look like you do!
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