Here are some more great pics of me visiting the
Army of Four.
Here I am with my darling Dave. Mom is trying to hold me back, cuz I just wanted to give him a big kiss!! She didn't think it was appropriate on our first meeting.
In this picture, I am telling Dave just how happy I am that I finally got to meet him in pawson!! He is even more handsome than I thought! *sigh*
Here, he is wispering sweet things in my ear. Don't ask what it was, cuz I'm not tellin'!!

Next, I got to meet Zimmie! He has a tail very similar to
I decided to ask Zim if he could give me some pointers on how to make Dave chill out a bit, since he was yelling at me when I first got here, about taking so long to finally come meet him! Like I wouldn't have come sooner if I could drive myself! Duh!
Our humans wanted us to pose together. We tried really hard to follow Stormy's "Cooperating for Photo's" directions. I think we did pretty good. I was kinda looking at the camera, but was getting ready to get up, as you can tell by my leg.

Before he left, Zim gave me some very top secret information. I was listening intently to every word! Don't worry Zimmie, I've got your six!

Stoopid dad didn't take any pics of me and Ammy. I don't think he could tell Ammy and Zim apart, so he just didn't take any extra photo's. But I do have some video, which I will post tomorrow.
Finally, I got to meet the Supreme Commander of the Army of Four! Dear, sweet Stormy, who always reminds my mom of her Shula. Isn't she beautiful?!?!! As a good trooper, I was sure to show the proper etiquette and bow to her!

Stormy had some very good advice for me regarding Dave, and also how to keep better charge of my pack. I will be sure to take to heart everything she said. She is soooo smart!

After all the meet and greets, and since it was so hot out, I decided it was time to make myself comfortable. We all went inside, and I took the opportunity to do my usual.........nap on the nice cool tile floor!! I was all set to start dreaming of my darling Davie!
After a while of the humans chatting, Mom and dad decided to head home. I had such a great time visiting with the Ao4, and finally meeting my true love! After we pulled away from the house, I became sad. Oh Dave, I sure hope we can see each other again soon!

Until then my love, I will miss you!
Your Furever Malagal,