Friday, June 01, 2007

The human woman is weird

Just like Turbo's human, my human is old. She is obsessed with 2 movies from the 1970's, which she has watched soooooo many times, she has all the dialogue memorized. Yes, memorized, word for word! It's quite annoying to hear her speak right along with the characters. Drives dad crazy.

What, may you ask, are these two movies? Jaws and Star Wars.

And, here's the worst part. Last weekend, there was a Jawsathon on HBO. Guess what she did all weekend? Yep, watched Jaws. What a loser.

And this weekend? Can you guess what's on HBO? Yep, Star Wars. ALL of them! Back to back, over and over. She is part slug, I swear!!! All she does is sit in that darn recliner and watch those movies!

She really needs a hobby.



Thor said...

My mom likes Star Wars too, the original ones, not the new ones. But not as much as our neighbor does! They just had a baby girl and named her Padme, after the newer Star Wars character!


Princess Eva and Brice said...

Hi Holly. Our dad loves the Star Wars movies too. And he knows most of the dialog. If you know it why keep watching it? He says another one of his favorite movies is Tombstone which has one of his favorite characters of all time, Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday. He uses Doc's lines all the time and even does the southern accent. (VERY BADLY!!) Humans are soooo strange. Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva

Anonymous said...

Oh Holly! Tell the human that yes, these may be her favorite movies, but she should buy the DVD (if she doesn't have it already), forget about it on TV and give YOU attention!!! I like that pic of you by the way. I love the prop on the paws!

D'Azul Siberian said...

Hawooo, does she say "Luke I am your father" in a spooky voice. Thats our fave.

The Siberians of D'Azul

Lorenza said...

Hi, Holly.
You have to understand that our people can be obsessed with movies. What about if you stay close to her so she can give you belly rubs while she is watching those movies?
Have a nice day

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

My Human has been trying to save some money, so she got rid of our satelite TV (for now). So she doesn't have many choices of things to watch on that stupid box!

The Brat Pack said...

Oh Holly - we feel your pain! Star Wars has been on ALL weekend here too. Plus Mom is going to Star Wars weekends next week at Disney World and we just know she's coming back with more SW outfits for us.


Thrawn and The Brat Pack

The Daily Echo said...

Holly, my Dad points out that George Lucas who produced Star Wars had a Mal just like you. That's where Chewbaca came from. Yeah...I know.....who cares?! My Dad does the same thing with Snow Dogs. Over and over again. He thinks we like it. Enough already!

Peanut said...

My dad does this with really stupid movies and my mom always just rolls her eyes at him. Humans are weird

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey holly,

What can I say ? Humans are just weird....full stop !

SHD loves Star Wars too !


Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrrr Holly
Lisa the Mean is back and she said she wached Star Wars in the hotel after the show. Harrrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That is so sad about you having to endure watching Jaws and Star Wars. I've never seen either one, but I see Steve's jaws and it's not that entertaining. Next time that happens, just come over to our house and we can play.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Holly - Jaws, just when you thought it was safe to be with your hooooomans and they start watching a movie all about fish with teeth

The Army of Four said...

Hi Holly. You look really bee-woo-tiful in that picture.
PS: Ammy fielded your question about snow noses today!

The Army of Four said...

Hey Hollybollyboo! Check out our biped friend Tierre's blog today! Your mom will have something MUCH better to watch!

Macie-Malechai said...

Poor Holly! Our lady watched movies all day Saturday (after our walk of course). She told us that she saw Jaws the first time as a small child & wouldn't go in the water for the whole summer! She didn't even want to take a bath. Now it's one of her all time favorites! She's more of a Grease & Urban Cownboy junkie, can do all the words with the movies too, very annoying!
Face Licks, M&M

DKMaialetti said...

Hi Holly, my Dad likes Star Wars. But I don't think he knows it was on TV - we didn't watch it! Mom is a Titanic and Gone With The Wind type, but she also likes Vampire movies. Thank God she doesn't watch movies all the time!!!
- Georgie

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Holly, thank you and your Mama for your special words on my Blog. You are soooooooooo kind.

love and licks Marvin xxxxx
love and light, Jeannie xxxxxx

Poseidon said...

Hey Holly! My Mama thinks Star Wars isn't all that great, but Daddy LOVES them. Star Trek too (Mom hates Star Trek). She says the Jaws movies are pretty cool though.

My Mama likes to watch old movies too, but her favorites are Gone with the Wind, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, and the King and I. She's got them all on DVD, someone needs to remind her that she's only 28 years old.