Monday, April 30, 2007
Scary Food
That, in itself, is scary because she isn't known for being much of a baker. She recruited Indy's mom for help on a good allergy recipe, since Indy also has allergies, and whatever Sam (aka Allergy Boy) can eat, then so can the rest of us.
She went to the local Whole Foods Market and picked up some organic oat flour (apparently he can have oats and potatoes only) and also used some of Sam's Evangers canned Duck dog food to make us some yummy treats. They actually turned out very well, and we really like them! Not too bad for a first-timer!
Anyway, if anypup out there has any good treat recipes, please e-mail them to me at, and I will compile them and post them to my blog. I know there are plenty of scared and angry pets and pet parents out there with all these recalls! I was really hoping the human woman would start baking us our own chicken and steak, but apparently that isn't happening. As long as she has Evangers, whose 100% pure meat canned food is available (it has absolutely nothing BUT meat and juice in it) and there are dry grain-free foods out there, it looks like the lazy human won't be giving us any freshly cooked or raw meat!
If anypup, or human out there wants to keep up-to-date on the latest recall information, you can subscribe to and get all recall information e-mailed to you.
Stay safe my friends!
Saturday, April 28, 2007

And how cool is this!!! Look! Our names are on them! Wow, personalized treats!
On the left is Sam eating his treat.
And Abby, she is so gentle, she takes hers like a lady.

THANK YOU STEVE AND KAT!!! You two are awesome!
(yummy in my tummy)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wolf Park
The humans didn't get to go inside the enclosure this time because they ran out of time on Saturday before they had to go to dinner, but they did get some pretty cool video.
Here is Kailani getting a belly rub.
This video shows the wolves gathered around a couple staff members, and the stupid humans are trying to get the wolves to howl, which they refused to do. So, most of the noise you hear is the stupid humans. All the wolves wanted was to be petted! (they're not stupid!)
This next video shows Tristan, the alpha wolf getting a massage, while two other wolves of lower status decided they need to do some manly dominating stuff. Boys!!!
And finally, some more pack play. They can get a bit rambunctious, but it's all for a good reason - to keep everyone in line and in their proper hierarchy. That's what keeps a pack strong and healthy.
So, after viewing these videos, I have decided that I am basically a wolf at heart. I like belly rubs, and being petted, and massages, and bossing everyone else around. I think I would fit in at Wolf Park perfectly!
(I wanna be a wolf!)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
A Very Cool Place

She was so excited cuz she really loves wolves. She is basically a wolf freak! We have a lot of wolf stuff around our house. Maybe that's why she likes Huskies and Mal's so much, cuz we look kinda like them.

This is Wolf Parks 35th Anniversary, so they are having a big party this weekend. Since mom and dad are not just members, but also sponsor a senior wolf named Echo, and a young Coyote named Willow, they really wanted to go back and celebrate with them.
So, hopefully they will have some really great new pictures to share with us when they get back!
(don't worry Dave, I still only have eyes for you)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Dry Food Recall
This is especially scary since these are dry, not canned food, and there are NO GRAINS in it!
Their website states that no other Natural Balance products are affected. My human is becoming concerned. Sam eats the NB Duck and Potato dry. The rest of us, except Monty who eats Science Diet RX u/d, eat Blue Buffalo. Mom is now seriously considering making our dog food herself!! Hey, sounds good to me!
Keep safe everydog!!
(I'll have some baked chicken, and steak, and cheese, and......)
Saturday, April 14, 2007

I even abandoned the old cow ear I had been hording and chewing on from time to time, in order to consume my new pigs ear. Which I did, in record time, of only 15 minutes!!
Mom gave each of us one of the treats, and we were very happy to have them! Thank wooo Sitka! You're pawsome!!!
(yum yum)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Monster poses

Below left, also using the upside down froggie doggie, is your basic Hold Up the Wall. In the photo on the right with Kona, he is not only performing Hold Up the Wall, he is incorporating the Hail Stormy. However, he is using BOTH paws, and sticking them out straight in front of him, rather than up in the air.
And, on the rare occasion he gets on my couch, he's kinda lame on Hog the Pillow. Abby and Sam are much better Hog the Pillow sleepers.

Once again, I'm ready for a nap. Till tomorrow my pup pals! (and fufu too)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Abby's sleepy poses

She also has the Hog The Pillow down VERY well!

And lastly, the all important, Hold Up The Fireplace pose, which does incorporate the upside down froggie doggie, AND an excellent Hail Stormy thrown in too! Abby is so multi-talented!
Well my pup pals, that's it for tonight. On to the Samoyed boys tomorrow!
(getting sleeping myself)
Monday, April 09, 2007
More sleepy poses
This is the sad, pathetic, whiney, freaky boy's sleepy poses. (aka-Samuel)
This is his Air-It-Out pose. He does this a lot. But definitely not as well as I do.

Then, there is the bathtub. He goes and sleeps there whenever there is a storm, or it rains. Mom especially loves it when he gets in with his muddy feet and then she has to scrub out the tub BEFORE she can get in and take a shower. Not to mention the fact that Sam is not too thrilled to get out just so SHE can get in!
And, just to keep you all happy, here is a shot of me. Just because.

(need to make sure my fans get their Holly fix)
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter
Love, kisses, and God Bless You All!!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Sleepy Positions
Next - Hide Your Face Using A Human.

Fourth, is one of my favorites (which annoys the humans tremendously) - The All-Out Sprawl. This makes it extremely difficult for anyone else to get on my couch.
And last, but certainly not least, the Air-It-Out, also known as the Upside Down Froggie Doggie.

I hope you all enjoyed my sleepy positions. They are all VERY comfy!
(I definitely need a nap now)
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
What the..?!?!?!

He is now in the process of actually reading it.
What I want to know is.....why on earth would the editor let this guy title his book something like THAT!?!?!?
(further proof humans are stupid)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
"Holly" withdrawal
I hope this makes you all feel better about not getting to see my beauty for so long.

I also love to CHEW. Chewy's are my favorite.
Hhmmmm, what's this over here? Wonder if it's edible?

Aaaahhhhh, all this chewing means I need a good stretch of my front legs and paws.
Well, all that chewing has made me sorta tired. So, I guess the only thing to do is nap. At least my chewy will be safe, here between my paws.
(Holly "fix" complete)

(this pic just screams "dork")