Today is Samuel's 12th birthday. To celebrate, I thought I would share some photo's of the dork boy. Some are pre-droop, some post-droop. For anyone who is new, Samuel got an
aural hematoma in his right ear in January 2008 and had to have surgery to remove it. This resulted in the cartilage being damaged and therefore, the droop. It just makes him look dorkier than he was before the droop!
Anyway, here are some fun pics I thought I would share.
Here he is getting spoon fed by mom. How pathetic is that!?

This is one of Samuel's many t-shirt moments. From skin issues caused by allergies to various surgeries, he has been through many a t-shirt in his life.

A happy dork boy in the snow.

At the playground.

Getting vacuumed by the Dyson. Good grief!

Sleeping happily on the couch.

A true dork.

With a toy.

Yet another Dyson vacuuming session. Truly pathetic!

Hanging out in the bed.

Outside by the bushes.

His "cat" pose.

The hematoma before the surgery. It was so big it made his ear droop.

Pre-surgery droop. Hanging out in the bed.

Post surgery. He is now droopy forever.

One of his many "bucket head" moments.

Droopy and wearing a t-shirt.

Being a weirdo, here he is standing on the end table. No clue why. But, then again, no one ever really understands some of the strange things he does.

Not sure about this one other than it's another t-shirt moment.

Snugly tucked in bed. Looking goofy.

And, yet another t-shirt moment. This one with the baby hanging out with him.

T-shirt boy, hanging with the baby again.

Some of his first moments with baby Khady. Already he was becoming her chew toy! (notice it is yet another t-shirt moment)

Here's the baby trying to hang out in the bed with him.

I'm not real sure about this one. Or where he got the bottle of Zima!

A nice pose by the bushes.

This is where he hangs out when it's storming outside. He's such a baby!

I think he's possessed by a demon in this picture. Or, he's just insane. It's a toss-up between the two.

Another example of why I call him pathetic.

Chillin' in the pool.

Happy birthday Samuel!!! You are truly a valuable part of this family. Without you, Khady would not have a live chew toy, mom wouldn't have anyone to "fuss" over for being so pathetic, and none of us would have as many laughs as we do on a daily basis!

Just so you all know, he is celebrating in his usual style. He's napping on his doggie bed in front of a fan. Oh wait! That's what he does EVERY day!!! Hawoowoowoo!!