Yep, he STOLE my fluff!! That is sooo not nice of him. I really like my fluffiness, and he keeps trying to steal it! Besides, isn't stealing illegal? I should be allowed to keep all my fluff. After all, that IS why mom calls me "fluffy butt".
Mom even took pictures of me beside my stolen fluff.
Dad is very lucky I have plenty more fluff to go around!! Not to mention, I'm really cute, even if I am missing some of my fluffiness.
Khady Lynn
(the "less" fluffy butt puppy)
We have the same problem here except no one is even stealing Dakota's. she gets up and leaves big white tuffs behind.
You are still a cutie even with a little less fluff.
Woos, the OP Pack
Don't worry!
I'm sure woo have already replenished what he stole from woo!
Maybe your OTHER mom wants it so she'll feel more special...husky envy and all!
Poor Rusty is the first to molt here, so he is being plucked everytime he walks by.
We suggest you file a police report. Theft is against the law. Just ask they send a canine cop to investigate. You don't want a bald human. He wouldn't understand.
Hi, Khady Lynn!
I love your happy face in that picture!
Kisses and hugs
My what alot of fur you have! You know you can tell your dad with all the fur he stole he could stuff you a nice new pillow!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog WOods
We're losing fluff here too! Tell your dad that he doesn't have to steal your fluff, he can just wait and gather it from around the house over the next few weeks.
Princess Eva
You are cute without a doubt. You seem kind of pleased with yourself without your fluff.
Oh KL, You are so cute. My butt is my only fluffy part, and my head. Besides that, I am pretty fluffless. I know. It is sad. But that just makes me more stealthy. Did I mention how cute you look.
Your also cute friend Ozzie
Poor Khady Lynn! Maybe we should start a collection to buy you a wig?
Huffle Mawson
Purrr S: you are getting to be such a big girl now!
You don't look too sad in that last picture. Maybe it's just because you were plotting how you were going to make more fluff.
Hi Khady Lynn! Gus heer. Mommee went and stole-ded my fluffiez, too! I don't have neer as much as woo, thow. Yur fur must be just beewootiful and full!
Gus (and Waldo)
Yo keep getting cuter and cuter! Look at that fluff! Did you try to eat it? I try to eat mine when mom brushes it off me, ha rooo!
Puppy Woos,
Cornelia Marie
But you look so Bee-Woo-Tiful. Mom say your face look like your dad, Juarez.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
Khady Lynn! You are beautiful and Mom keeps stealing my fluffiness too! Mom calls me Mr. Happy FuzzyPants lately. I'm blowing my coat and it's going everywhere, do you like to eat yours? I love to eat my fluffiness when they don't pick it up fast enough!
Your MOST handsome brudder,
Wee were worried cause woo look pretty concerned in that first pic... but, woo look soooo furry cute & happy in the second one, we know woo recoverd from the shock! (the lack of fluff doesn't even make a dent in your cuteness)
You still have enuf pretty fluffiness, Khady Lynn! Look out for the dreaded furminator - we run but R mommy is sneaky & catches us!!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
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