Name the dork in the bed.
Princess Holly
Hey mom! Will you just stop, and go make me my dinner please? A Princess needs her sustenance and some beauty sleep, ya know!?!?!
And, speaking of princesses, (figuratively speaking, of course) my very good friend Khyra, has awarded me with the Daily Blogger Award! Thank you so much Khyra!!!!
It is an award given to those that blog at least three times per week. I know I have been slacking.....er.....busy lately, and not able to blog as often as I like, but I promise to kick mom off the puter, (those SMS people talk too much) and get back to blogging more often!
The cool thing is, that Khyra got her award from my good friend, and fellow Princess, Eva! I love Eva, and I really miss her sister Tasha. But, we are all helping Eva move on, and hopefully, she will have a new sister soon to keep her company.
I am going to pass this award along to my friend Ari, the Canine Naturalist. She is sooo khool and very pretty with her blue eyes!! She has some of the best, and most beautiful adventures! I would love to visit her and see all the beautiful places she gets to visit!
Well, my adoring fans, and subjects, I am off to bed. It's been a long, hard day of Princessing. Seriously.
Princess Hollybollybananabeautifulboo
(my work is never done)
It didn't look too bad to her at this point. When the tornado siren finally went off, she decided to stay in her office, cuz she is lazy and didn't want to go down 30 flights of stairs to the basement. The building security shuts down the elevators and locks down the building as soon as a tornado warning is given. And, even though this tornado was a long way from downtown, they do not let people leave. So, mom was stuck at work, and wasn't even able to leave, even though the tornado was way west of her.
But, then the sky changed and looked like this;
Finally, she decided to go to the basement. She was stuck there from about 7:20 p.m. until almost 8:30 p.m.!!! When they finally let everyone leave, she almost drown her car trying to get home. The rain was sooo heavy and fell so quickly, that the interstate she takes home was underwater in one area. There was lots of street flooding all over town. But, she did finally make it home at almost 9!!
Dad finally brought us all up from the basement when mom got home, and we were very happy to see her. We were sure to sniff her to make sure she was ok.
The sad thing is, that there was a touchdown north of Omaha in Little Sioux Iowa, where a Boy Scout troupe was camping. There were some deaths, and several injuries. Please keep all those poor people, and their families in your prayers. The Midwest sucks. I hate Nebraska!
I can't wait for fall to get here, cuz this weather is stupid, and dangerous, and I'm already sick of it.
(saying prayers for those who lost their lives and those injured)