Here is a picture of Sam chewing on a big retriever roll. I stole it later too, but the human woman didn't get a picture of that!

He's such a dork. That works every time. See? It's MINE now! Haroooo!
And, because I know you all enjoyed Sam's previous videos, here is another for your viewing enjoyment. He LOVES to run, and especially in the snow. Since dad flaked out on us this morning, and did not take us for our walk, Sam had to let that Siberian energy out some way, so this is the result!
Well, hope you all enjoyed our snow pictures and video, as much as we are enjoying the snow itself! I know there are plenty of my pup pals out there that got some of the same snow, and some of them out east are gonna get LOTS of it! Have fun, and play hard!
(lovin' my snow)
This is a picture from a couple weeks ago, since most of my soft, fluffy snow is gone, but you get the idea. They say we might get more snow this week, so keep your paws crossed!! And I'll just keep dreaming.
(dreaming of cat snacks)
(oh yeah, and Dave too)