We interrupt our usual Wordless Wednesday as sadness has struck again. My friend
Kelsey, who just passed away in October, is now joined by his brother Smokey.
Smokey has been losing the loss of his back legs for quite a while now. His family tried all they could to help him (Rimadyl, Tramadol, Steroid shots) but his poor little body just couldn't do it any longer.

Smokey was a sweet German Shepherd mix who was very loved by his family. He was especially a "daddy's boy."

I think this picture says it all!
His family has suffered two losses so close together. But, they also just became fosters parents for
Taysia Blue SHR to a sweet Aussie/GSD mix named Cocoa yesterday. So, we are hoping the life they just saved, will help them get through this loss of Smokey. Smokey lived a long, wonderful, and much loved 14 years. We know he is now playing with his brother Kelsey at the bridge.
Run fast and free Smokey. Your family will be with you again one day.