We interrupt our normal Fun Foto Friday to bring you this official news. Much to my dismay, I might add.
Yes, I'm sure many of you saw it coming. But, it's official. Lena is officially a foster failure and it wasn't even mom who suggested we keep her. It certainly wasn't me, either. However.........

It was
actually DAD'S idea to keep her!!! Talk about a traitor! I thought he was on my side and really wanted to find her another home. But noooooooooo!!! First time someone was interested in her dad flipped out and said we should keep her! To say mom was "shocked", isn't really the word I would use. Actually, she laughed!! Because, dad was the one in the beginning who couldn't wait for her to find another home!

Needless to say, she has found a home, and it's here with us. We are working on our "issues" with each other. She is learning that this is MY house and how our pack works. She has definitely come a long way in the last couple months. And, my baby likes playing with her, which is good, cuz then she doesn't try and chew on me.
So, congratulations Lena! Welcome to our home.
Just stay off my couch.