Maybe I'm being too nice. I might need to work on my "mean" face.
Make sure you get it at the deepest part dad!
Ok. I think this might be the right spot.Well, what do you think Sam? Should I keep going?
He checked it out pretty thoroughly. He thinks I'm doing a pretty good job.
Then, after all that work, I decided my nice cool hole would be a good spot to rest my feety-feet.
But then, dad put some stupid rocks in it! I have no idea what would possess him to do such a thing!
Ummm, hey dad? These stupid rocks are in my way!
Harumph! He wouldn't move them. Well, here's what I think of him!I guess I'll just hang out by my masterpiece instead.
But, never fear. I am always contemplating my next project!
Khady Lynn
(Don't try this at home. I'm a professional)
Please ignore that hideous noise dad makes. He's weird.
I think dad was impressed. I'll have more on my project later this week.
Khady Lynn
(professional digger)
Hard to believe he's 11 now, cuz he sure doesn't act like it!! Of course, having the baby around to chase sure helps.
Have a great week everyone!