Checking out, and tasting the bushes.
Laying on the floor on the couch pillow with her favorite toy.
Playing with the talking gorilla.
Here she is checking out the bin full of Samuel and Kona's food.
She's decided that the bed, which Samuel thinks is his, is a pretty comfy place to relax. She really likes mom's body pillow.

Samuel is actually doing pretty well putting up with her (much like I am).
But, then again, I kind of like her better like this.....sleeping.
She even likes her crate! Well, as long as it has one of her toys in it to keep her company.
She has the huzzy pose down perfectly! Khyra will be so proud!
Mom thinks she has the cutest, sweetest looking face. Whatever!!!
She even has her snow nose already! I like her most when she is not bugging me.
Like this.......
Oh well, I guess I have no choice but to put up with her. Apparently she is staying.
Princess Hollybollybananaboo