Here are a couple photo's of our new "area" which Abby has decided is quite comfy. By the way, that big hole was dug by Samuel. He LOVES to dig!

(I'm just sayin')
Yep, we sure did have fun!! But, since this play session was after all our walking, and digging, and hole investigating, we got tired pretty quickly! I can't wait for us to get together again soon!
On a side note, my wonderful friend Summi was just diagnosed with bilateral cataracts. He was acting a little "off" according to his mom, so she had him checked out. He's only 17 months old, so that is way to young to be getting cats in his eyes. Like my friend Khyra always says, "Khats are evil!" Now I know why she says that. All that cat hair in your eyes would make it hard to see.
So, if you could, please send some good vibes to my most special friend Summi, and his mummi too. I think she needs some cheering up, and since I'm not there, maybe some well wishes from all our doggie friends, will help. Even if just a little.
We all love you Summi!!! Especially me, your MalaSis! (Oh yeah, and Khyra too)
Still more to come, so be sure to stay tuned!!!!
There are lots more though, so be sure to stay tuned!!
(happy now Khyra?)
I think Kahyne wants to play with me. Summi's dad talking to Kahyne and Echo. I think Kahyne is trying to tell him something.
Wonder if that is how my Dave got his bananas off the top of the fridge. I'm thinkin'..... Yep!
Stay tuned, more to come!!
What I mean, is that I have some pictures of Summit from this past weekend when I got to visit him!! Yep, that's right...ME!!! I finally got to go with mom and dad to visit Summi, and we had a fabulous time!!! I have lots of videos, and lots of pictures. But, I don't want to show you all at once, cuz that would really ruin all the fun! And, I'm sure it's going to torture poor Khyra to wait to see all the great Summi pics!!! Wooooo.
Me, in the car on the way to Summi's house.
Can you tell who is who in these pics?
Well, that last picture of Summi has given me an idea. And, I'm sure you can all guess what it is.