Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New Game
Here are the rules;
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions. They must be real places, names, things ... If you can't think of anything, skip it. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
You take the first letter of your first name, and then answer the questions using only that letter.
What is your name? Holly
4 letter word: Hope
Vehicle: Hyundai
TV Show: Home Improvement
City: Hastings Nebraska
Boy Name: Howard
Girl Name: Hilary
Alcoholic Drink: Harvey Walbanger (makes a good cake too)
Occupation: Hooker (lmao)
Something you wear: Harness
Celebrity: Hugh Grant
Food: Honey
Something found in a bathroom: Hair Dryer
Reason for being late: Headache
Cartoon Character: Hello Kitty
Something You Shout: Hike! (this means GO in musher language)
Oh, that was fun, and some of the questions were very hard! I would like to invite everydog and Girl Girl to play along!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tagged Again!
B Be-woo-tiful (duh)
O Obstinate (goes with the breed)
L Loveable (duh again)
L Lazy (I do like my sleepy time)
Y Yummy food (it is my obsession)
B Bossy (I am in charge here)
O On the couch (my favorite sleepy place)
O One of a kind (I am truly unique)
I would like to tag Frodo, Star and Jack, Franki V, and my good friends Sitka and Tia.
It has cooled down a bit here, and we have gotten lots of rain, which we really needed. Going to be back in the upper 80's for the weekend, but that's better than the upper 90's. Fall is getting closer, which means so is WINTER!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Beer Call
Samuel LOVES beer. As soon as mom popped the cap, he was all over her trying to get some. Mom made the mistake of putting a little in her hand and letting him taste it. After that he was trying to get the bottle and was climbing all over her. She finally had to pour it into a glass and give him the bottle. Here is a video of him giving it two paws up for tastiness!
The squeak you hear is the Nubbly Cherry Tomato that Sitka got us. You can see me in the backgroud with it. I was thinking of playing with it at first, then decided I wanted to see what Samuel thought was so tasty. So I gave it a try and he was right. It was very tasty!
I'm not sure why mom thought she could keep all the beer to herself. I mean, it is Thirsty DOG Brewing Company, not Thirsty Human!
(humans are selfish)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
More Blogathon Prizes
But, the coolest thing I got, which REALLY excited me, was this.........

Can you tell what it is? It's a sled dog bootie! But, not just ANY sled dog bootie. Take a closer look.........

That's one of Karen Ramstead's 2007 Iditarod sled dog booties!! And she signed it for me! That bootie, was actually worn by a REAL sled dog!! How cool is that!?! I feel so honored to have won it. It is just the coolest thing ever!!! I was so excited that I just had to try it on! It didn't fit real well. But, that's probably because my foot is way bigger than those Pretty Sled Dogs of North Wapiti Kennels! They all weigh less than half of what I do!
Thank you so much Meeshka! And thank you Karen, for donating such a wonderful prize! I love them all!
(call me big foot)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Alaskan Malamute Property Laws
Friday, August 10, 2007
Special Delivery
After she opened it up, she let me inspect what she got.
Not sure what it is? Take a closer look!
It's Siberian Night beer from Thirsty Dog Brewing Company!!! My new friend (and fellow Dave admirerer) Khyra, from Pennsylvania, was kind enough to send me some! We can't get it here in Nebraska (what's up with that crap) so her human made a trip to Harrisburg PA to get some! How super nice is that!?!?!! Unfortunately, two bottles were crushed on the way here (stupid humans apparently don't care about my packages) but mom was exstatic that 4 did make it! Mom has them chilling in the magic cold box as I type.
Khyra was also nice enough to send me some of her fur! See the little bag? I sniffed it real good too! Thank you for sharing your fur Khyra!
I just wanted to say a huge THANK WOOOO to Khyra and her very nice human for sending my mom some of this really cool beer! I'll let you know later how much she likes it, cuz I'm pretty sure she will!!
(where's the Malamute beer?)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Turn off the oven!!

All we are doing lately is snoozing. Which, works fine for me, cuz that is my favorite thing to do! But, good grief, can we turn the oven off now please?
(I feel like a pot pie!)
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Blogathon Prizes!
First, I checked out the box!
Then, I checked out what was inside. Closely inspecting all the goodies.

I immediately found the good stuff, and pulled it RIGHT out! Can you guess what it was?
Yep! That would be the homemade cookies!!!! I stuffed my face right inside to start munching!
Then, I found the cute little purple stuffie bear! Isn't it adorable!?!?

Here I am with all my great prizes! The cute purple stuffie bear, my very cool Adopt A Husky of Dallas coaster, and my yummy treats! Notice where my attention is focused! Woo!

Thank you Steve and Kat, and your humans! The prizes are so fabulous! I was even nice enough to share the treats with my siblings! But, mom decided I got to eat most of them since I was the one who stayed up all night!
(yum yum!)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Horrible Tragedy!
However, many more are not. So far there are 7 confirmed dead, and dozens injured. Please, please pray for these people and their families. This is absolutely horrible!
God Bless all, and especially those dealing with this awful and dreadful accident.
(horrified and very sad)